
  • Nataliya Kanonik


time, temporality, grammatical compatibility, model, nuclear connection, adjunct connection, predicative connection


The article highlights the category of time in the linguistic aspect, a set of means of expressing time relations using verbs to denote time. Reference has been made to the subject and object of grammatical and lexical semantics, as well as to the tasks undertaken and the methods used in this research; the reasons for which modern research relating to lexical semantics can be considered necessary are outlined as well. The purpose of this article is to investigate the grammatical compatibility, which is one of the types of compatibility, of the verbs of time, the ability of temporal verbs to interact with other words at the level of subclasses. The grammatical compatibility of the classes of words is described by models of grammatical connections, which represent invariants, in which a plurality of concrete combinations is formed in the speech, each of which repeats all the relevant signs of the module. In this study, we use the term "group", since, by investigating the totality of relationships that the word under consideration comes into, we are dealing not only with the phrase. In the analysis of the relation of the word in the sentence in the study we talk about the links between the members of the sentence: subject - predicate, predicate - application, the predicate - the circumstance. We distinguish between composition and subordination as the main types of communication. When the connection is subordinated, one of the elements dominates the second. The dominant unit is called the kernel, and the connection is nuclear. Dependent word is called adjunct, and the connection is adjunctive.14 verbs, which bear the maximum load of the temporal characteristic feature have been analyzed. 32 models of grammatical connections in temporal verbs have been identified and described, in which 14 models are nuclear (with the dominant word), 3 models are adjunctive (with dependent word) and 15 models with predicative connection (with two dominant words) It has been found out that the verbs studied can be both nuclear elements in the group and dependent groups of the group. The study of temporal vocabulary through the prism of grammatical compatibility remains promising. Such an approach to the study of grammatical lexical semantics allows us to expand the idea of the volume of grammatical semantics of the word and of the processes that take place in it.


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How to Cite

Канонік, Н. (2021). THE GRAMMATICAL COMPATIBILITY OF THE VERBS OF TIME OF MODERN ENGLISH. Current Issues of Foreign Philology, (10), 130–136. Retrieved from