



french, neologisms, social space, periodicals, public life, social interaction, lexical innovation, network society, communicative activity, scientific progress.


The article examines the issue of the peculiarities of the use of neologisms in the modern French social environment, since it represents one of the most productive sources of the lexical system of the language. The object of the study is neologisms in modern French, and the subject is the peculiarities of their functioning in social space. The concept of “neologism” is explored and different opinions of domestic and foreign authors on the research topic are presented. The features of the formation and use of new words in modern social conditions of French society are studied. The prospects for French society at the present stage are analyzed. A lot of materials from French periodicals and online publications, dictionaries, etc. were examined. The properties of the functioning of social neologisms and methods of their application are determined as a result of studying the sources used. The relevance of the study reflects the continuous process of the emergence, effectiveness and purpose of neologisms in modern French discourse due to socio-economic social innovations. Based on the materials studied, an analysis of the emergence, existence and use of neologisms within the social space was carried out. The material of the article indicates that thanks to the introduction of social innovations, the implementation of innovative activities, and the multi-vector development of all sociocultural spheres, the process of speech progress in public life is possible. In addition, the study showed that the formation of new words involves the generation of new connections in all areas of public life in different countries of the planet, which in turn affects the expansion of transnational interaction in the context of the development of a network society. A conclusion is made about the essence of the neologization process of the modern French language, including features, conditions, methods, paths, etc. Based on the fact that scientific, technological and technical processes are in a state of constant search, development and improvement, the prospect of further research is seen in the study of a certain sphere of socio-economic life and in the possible distribution of neologisms appearing in it into semantic groups.


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How to Cite

ПАГАВА, О. (2024). FEATURES OF THE USE OF NEOLOGISMS IN THE MODERN FRENCH SOCIAL SPACE. Current Issues of Foreign Philology, (19), 52–62. https://doi.org/10.32782/2410-0927-2023-19-9