
  • Halyna Valchuk



vocabulary, neologism, translation, media, media text


The article is devoted to actual problems of the functioning and translation of neologisms in the media texts of the modern Englishlanguage press. In the course of the study, the definition of “media text” is given. The stylistic features of English-language media texts are characterized. It is noted that the language of English-language media texts has certain features and is aimed at certain categories of readers. During the analysis of English-language media, a direct relationship between the degree of complexity of the selected language tools and the sociocultural specific features of the target audience is proved. It was emphasized that most of the specific vocabulary in English-language media is socio-political vocabulary. Political texts are connected with the task of simultaneously and clearly conveying the events of the world of politics, and not overly complicating and overloading the message with various terms that would interfere with its understanding. Consequently, journalists often resort to the use of neologisms. The concepts of neologisms and their typology are considered. It is noted that there are various parameters for the definition of the term “neology”: the process of creating new lexical units is built in accordance with the usual mechanisms of the creative process in the development of speech; theoretical and applied research on the creation of lexical units, ways of forming words, criteria for recognition, acceptance and dissemination of neologisms, sociocultural aspects of neology; systematically organized activities of institutes for accounting, creating, recording, disseminating and introducing neologisms into a clear framework of language policy; the task of establishing new terminology systems and recently created industries that have gaps in terminology and require its implementation; a lexicographic system of relations with dictionaries, which proceeds from two aspects: using the dictionary as a filtering tool for recognizing neologisms and analyzing their processing inside dictionaries. The functional features of the use of neologisms in the media text are considered. The results of the analysis allow us to conclude that neologisms are quite common in newspaper texts, are reflected in articles of various subjects (economic, business, entertainment, youth press, etc.), creating in each of them its own stylistic effect. It is noted that the transfer of neologisms in the Ukrainian language is carried out using such translation methods as assimilation, descriptive translation, tracing, transcribing, transliteration.


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How to Cite

Вальчук, Г. (2021). PRAGMATIC FUNCTIONALITY OF NEOLOGISMS IN ENGLISH-LANGUAGE MEDIA TEXTS. Current Issues of Foreign Philology, (12), 23–28.