



discourse, sport, term, lexeme, translation, the English language


The article concerns the peculiarities of the translation of sports discourse because the global communication of people and interest in sports requires solving the urgent need for mutual understanding in all spheres, especially in the sports field. Our country participates actively in world competitions, and the study of the translation about sports terminology has not only theoretical but also practical significance. Accordingly, there is a need for translation of reports, interviews, and sports commentators, as well as sports documentation, articles, and blogs. Sport is developing dynamically and many new sports are gaining wide recognition. Therefore, an adequate and correct translation of sports discourse is necessary, which determines the relevance of our research. The purpose of the article is to characterize the translation features of sports discourse based on the material of English-language online publications. The object of the study is multi-structural terminological units of the sports industry. The subject of the research is ways and means of translating sports terms from English into Ukrainian. Research methodology: the factual material has been collected by the method of continuous sampling from online publications and processed using the descriptive method. Methods of structural-semantic, component, and contextual analysis have been also used. The method of content analysis made it possible to establish the specificity of the researched elements in the contextual environment. Scientific novelty consists in determining the main ways and methods of translating sports terms from English into Ukrainian, which include: descriptive translation, translation using national elements, literal translation, transcription, and transliteration. The conclusions of the study provide for the concept of translation adequacy in the sports discourse, which includes semantic, emotional-evaluative, expressive, and aesthetic information. Appropriately translated lexemes of a sports nature play a special role in understanding the integrity of the entire text. The prospect of further research is a detailed analysis of the translation peculiarities about new sports-related words and a description of translation methods based on the translation principles of sports terms.


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How to Cite

КОРОБОВА, І. (2024). SРORTS DISCOURSE: THE PECULIARITIES OF TRANSLATION. Current Issues of Foreign Philology, (20), 17–23. https://doi.org/10.32782/2410-0927-2024-20-3