thematic group, subject matter, lexical-semantic group, concept, conceptual contentAbstract
The article is devoted to the analysis of linguistic features of the works of Indian mystic and guru of neo-Hinduism – Bhagavan Sri Rajnish, known as Osho, namely – thematic groups in the works «A cup of tea» and «Seeds of wisdom». The purpose of our study is to identify thematic groups of words that will serve as a basis for conceptual content of the works. The achievements of Bhagavan Sri Rajnish have not been the subject of linguistic studies in our country or abroad, which determines the novelty of the study. The methodological basis of the work combines the principles of the cognitive-communicative paradigm of linguistics, which studies the intention of the author through language means, determines their cognitive-pragmatic and conceptual functions. Since the author is of the opinion that everything necessary for a full life can be found in everyday things, close to nature, that every person is happy since birth, the idea is reflected in text units, which are divided into several thematic groups. By thematic group we mean a set of words united by one function, which, in turn, are consistent with the concepts of the outside world. As a result, we distinguish the following thematic groups: words united by the meaning «obstacle to self-awareness»; words united by the meaning of «negative feelings»; words with the meaning of «perception through the senses»; words with the meaning of «natural phenomena», which, in turn, are divided into groups «celestial bodies», «weather phenomena» and a group with the meaning of «flora / fauna»; words united by the meaning of «positive feelings», words with the meaning of «awakening» and words with the meaning of «self-awareness». The thematic groups of words became the basis for the actualization of such concepts as OBSTACLES, NATURE, ENLIGHTENMENT and SELF. Studying the ways of implementing them in the text, pointing out pragmatic, cognitive and conceptual intentions of the author may be the prospects of the further research.
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