



concept, conceptosphere, Internet discourse, discursive configuration, war


Scientific research is devoted to the study of the configurational connections of the concept KRIEG in the Germanlanguage Internet discourse. To achieve the gole, we used the following research methods: hypothetical-deductive method, method of dictionary definitions, interpretive-semantic analysis, and discourse analysis. The paper highlights a number of studies on theoretical material and clarifies the meaning of the term “discursive configurations of concepts”. Empirical material is analyzed, based on the method of dictionary definitions, the interpretation of the word Krieg is given, which helped to delineate the areas related to the war. It was found that the concept KRIEG in the Germanlanguage Internet-discourse forms configurational connections with seven other concepts, one of which has a positive evaluation component – FAMILIE and ranks second in lexical content, five can be both positive and negative or neutral markiert – SPRACHE, GEFÜHLE, POLITIK, WAFFEN, MILITÄR, one is an anti-concept with an exclusively negative color GRÄUELTATEN. The concept POLITIK is the most lexically filled. All these concepts also relate to each other, they have different content and this can be explained by the reflection of the attitude of the linguistic community to the war, to values and experiences. This confirms the opinion of scientists that in its universality, any concept contains culturally specific features. Fragments of texts in Internet discourse testify to the rethinking of some concepts of the linguistic community. In particular, the older generation in Germany is once again experiencing psychological trauma as they watch the brutal events of the war in Ukraine, and they become overwhelmed by feelings of fear, despair and helplessness that they had to endure. All these phenomena contribute to the identification of the individual, who is also the bearer of the prototype values of the community to which he belongs.


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How to Cite

ПАСИК, Л., РИСЬ, Л., & БОНДАРЧУК, О. (2022). DISCOURSIVE CONFIGURATIONS OF THE CONCEPT KRIEG IN THE GERMAN LANGUAGE INTERNET-DISCOURSE. Current Issues of Foreign Philology, (16), 179–185. https://doi.org/10.32782/2410-0927-2022-16-26