cliché, set phrases, English Language, Turkish Language, publicistic style, newspaper style, communicative functionAbstract
The relevance of the use of language standards and clichés in the study of foreign languages is highlighted in the article. First, it is stated that learning a foreign language is always insufficient. Secondly, it happens due to the need to properly apply it in a given situation. Third, when a foreigner enters an authentic language environment, the so-called psychological barrier often arises and the person faces great difficulties in the process of selection appropriate words in a non-native language, even with a sufficient stock of lexical units and knowledge of rules closely related to sentence construction. A person gets lost and begins to feel insecure when he finds himself in an unfamiliar environment and in another country for the first time. After all, there are many situations in which you just need to communicate with native speakers. It is in such critical situations when standard phrases, constant expressions and clichés help. The article defines the role of clichés and constant expressions in foreign language newspaper and journalistic texts (based on the material of English and Turkish Media). To achieve the set goal, the following methods of teaching were applied: generalization – to specify clichés in English and Turkish; descriptive – for a general description of the specifics of the use of clichés in the both languages; contextual – to identify the semantic meaning of clichés in both studied languages. It was proved that the cliché is an integral part of the newspaper and publicistic texts, since they are characterized by stability, conciseness, clear structuring and focus on the concretization and emphasizing of the main opinion. Cliché terms are also often used to express evaluation, which is one of the characteristics of a newspaper text. It is also possible to say with confidence that clichés, on the one hand, have a communicative effect, and on the other hand, contribute to the assessment of specific situations and relationships between people, etc.
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