immersive technologies, professional training, future conductor, vocal and choral practice.Abstract
The article reveals the stabilizing function of the use of immersive technologies in professional training of future directors of vocal and choral groups during global crisis situations, which can significantly disrupt traditional forms of education and negatively affect the quality of student training. The objective of the article is to propose and define practical aspects of the use of immersive technologies in professional training of future directors of vocal and choral groups. The methodology of the article is based on the use of experimental method in the field of conducting technique as well as vocal and choral practice in the context of digital transformation of art education. The analysis of scientific researches made it possible to identify important questions that arise during distant practical work of students with the choir, to detect effective digital pedagogical tools. The scientific novelty of the article is in the introduction of the idea of immersive technologies into the professional training of future directors of vocal and choral groups, which include a variety of interactive and sensory interfaces that allow creating the impression of presence in virtual or augmented real environments. The article reveals the practical aspect of the application of virtual technologies in vocal and choral practice, defines the methodology of deep immersion into virtual environments, experimentally verifies the proposed innovations, such as: virtual reality (VR choir), augmented reality (AR voice trainer), remote classes and simulations (interaction with virtual samples) in the educational process, which provide more effective and interesting training of future conductors-choirmasters. Conclusions. The use of immersive technologies plays an important role in ensuring the stability, accessibility and consistent development of professional training of future directors of vocal and choral groups, regardless of existing limitations. The implementation of such technologies helps to maintain the high quality of education and makes creative opportunities for training students for future creative activities in the musical space.
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