



singer, vocal cycle, «Dihcterliebe», R. Schumann, concert and vocal-pedagogical repertoire.


The stated scientific problem is related to the actualization of masterpieces of chamber and vocal music of the past through the projection of modern performance. In the era of rapid scientific and technical development, it is desirable to focus attention on eternal human values, such as: music, visual arts, literature, etc. It is clear that this statement causes a debate, based on innovations that permeate all fields, but there are still examples of art that still warm the soul today, prompting reflection, re-evaluation of views and artistic tastes. The vocal cycle "Dihcterliebe" op. 48, by Robert Schumann on a poem by Heinrich Heine, which is the subject of scientific and creative explorations by theorists and practitioners. Individual songs from this vocal cycle are definitely present in the vocal-pedagogical and concert repertoire of singers. Performing this music at different phases of professional growth, the singer will be able to reveal his creative potential, improve his vocal skill and artistry; on the other hand, to understand the depth of the emotional state of a person in love, the meaning of life and the inner world of a young person. The purpose of this scientific article is the detailed description and disclosure of the main function of the cycle "Dihcterliebe" op. 48, R. Schuman on the poem by G. Heine in the concert and vocal-pedagogical repertoire of the singer and analysis of selected numbers of the cycle. The research methodology is dictated by the nature of the investigated problem and is focused on a set of methods from the field of semiotics, hermeneutics, and structural analysis. Along with this, traditional methods were used – historical, theoretical, textological, descriptive-analytical, comparative, musicological, which made it possible to identify the influence of this cycle on the formation of professional skills and repertoire policy of the singer. The scientific novelty consists in revealing the compositional, intonation-harmonic, textural features of the songs of the cycle, which made it possible to verify the special vocal writing of the composer, the main features of which were: a careful attitude to the poetic text, psychologism, the special role of the piano texture of the accompaniment in creating an image. Note that "Dihcterliebe" op. 48 of R. Schuman on the poem by H. Heine is in the repertoire of the author of the article both in the original language (German) and in the translation into Ukrainian by D. Revutskyi (Nos. 7 and 11) and his own – into literary Chinese (Putonghua), which was carried out for the first time in the history of the musical life of the Celestial Empire. Conclusions. The concert and vocal-pedagogical repertoire is a driving force for the formation of a true specialist in the field of culture and art, at the same time it plays an invaluable role for the modern listener. In particular, taking into his repertoire the vocal cycle "Dihcterliebe" op. 48 by R. Schuman on the poem by H. Heine, whose music sounds primarily as a way of spiritual elevation and enlightenment, the vocalist will be able to convey the image of a person in love on a psychological level, awakening the listener to feelings and empathy. The main thing is that at each phase of his professional development, the singer, relying on his own experience, will convey the main image of the work – love – in a diverse and multifaceted way.


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How to Cite

ЦЗЕЛЯН, Ч. (2023). “DIHCTERLIEBE” OP. 48 BY R. SCHUMANN ON POEMS BY G. HEINE IN THE CONCERT AND VOCAL-PEDAGOGICAL REPERTOIRE. Fine Art and Culture Studies, (3), 128–136. https://doi.org/10.32782/facs-2023-3-18