portrait, art of Asia, art of the 20th century, China, Chinese portrait, artistic language of portraiture.Abstract
The aim of the article is to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the artistic language, stylistic techniques, and expressive means in Chinese portrait art of the second half of the 20th – early 21th century. The methodology employed art historical analysis to explore the styles, techniques, compositional approaches, color choices, and other aspects of artistic expression in portraiture. Additionally, contextual analysis was applied to gain deeper insight into the historical, cultural, and social context of the works and to understand their influence on the artistic language of portraiture. Furthermore, semiotic and psychological analyses were employed to enhance the understanding of the content and symbolic content of the artworks. The scientific novelty of the article lies in the comprehensive exploration of the artistic language in Chinese portrait art of the second half of the 20th century. Conclusions. It was revealed that the artistic language and themes in portrait art during this period can be categorized into several thematic blocks, including the incorporation of traditional elements in contemporary portraits, the influence of Western art, experimentation and innovative approaches in the creative process, themes of identity of the portrayed individuals and society, social critique, reflection, and cultural assimilation. By combining traditional and innovative elements, the artists were able to create unique masterpieces that simultaneously preserved cultural heritage and depicted various aspects of life and emotions of the people. The development of Chinese portrait art continues to this day, reflecting contemporary trends and new challenges. Through this art, we can witness invaluable cultural wealth, societal transformations, and the boundless creativity of the artists, offering us unique visual narratives about the people, time, and culture of China.
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