


musical festivals, hybrid cultural events, digital technologies, social media, post-Covid epoch, live music, VR- and AR- technologies


In the XXI century, musical festivals are as the important cultural phenomenon which forms identity and generates immersive experience and also an integral segment of the event industry in its cultural-entertainment segment in the frames of which digital technologies are used as a factor of hybridization, differentiation, and a way to create a value proposition. The purpose of the work lies in consideration of the peculiarities of musical festivals as hybrid cultural events that actively are transforming just under the influence of modern digital technologies and social media in the post-Covid epoch. The research methodology is based on the theoretically-cultural method that contributes to understanding the phenomenon of a digital festival, in particular, a musical one, against the background of the post-Covid epoch and the next stage of the technological evolution in culture, and also on the system analysis, with the help of which a musical event through the prism of a set of tools and innovations has been considered, directed on the generating immersive experiences. The scientific novelty of the research is that it is the first to consider the process of digital transformation of music festivals as a hybridization of this kind of cultural event that, of course, has influenced as on the "aura" of live music so as the development of event industry on the modern stage. Conclusions. Such studios help to get deeper knowledge about specific and evolution of the festival movement in the XXI century, not only realizing the meaning of the musical festivals for the world economy and culture but, noting, that hybrid models of cultural-art events, no doubt, are the reality with which the scientists and experts should know better in the nearest years. It concerns and musical festivals that nowadays connect offline strategy with the implementation of technologies (VR- and AR- technologies, social media, chatbot, musical blogs, non-cash payments, etc.).


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How to Cite

КРУПА, О. (2023). DIGITAL MUSIC FESTIVALS AS HYBRID CULTURAL EVENTS. Fine Art and Culture Studies, (4), 50–57.