composer O. Yakovchuk, traditional, innovative, stylistic features, Ukrainian musicAbstract
Oleksandr Yakovchuk is a Ukrainian composer of the 2nd half of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century, whose work is characterized by extraordinary genre diversity and the wealth of the creative process and presents Ukrainian music with dignity both in Ukraine and abroad. The purpose of the work is to analyze traditional and innovative aspects of O. Yakovchuk's individual style. The research methodology is based on the application of the following methods: theoretical method, aimed at the analytical consideration of individual elements of musical works, the use of various means of expression; method of genre-style analysis, which contributes to the identification of genre features of musical works, genre belonging, revealing genre parallels and associations in a musical work and shows the stylistic features of the composer's work; method of generalization of the information and the method of musical analysis. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the generalized analysis of O. Yakovchuk's work from the standpoint of traditional and innovative features of his individual style. Conclusions. The genre palette of O. Yakovchuk's creative work is extremely diverse, and in each of the genre directions he created unique samples of professional Ukrainian music, which widely represented traditional approaches as well as new and progressive features, absorbed by the master during his life both in the Motherland and abroad. The creative style of O. Yakovchuk is manifested in the tendency towards programming, in the scale of the composer's musical thinking, in predomination of polyphonic methods of development, the use of new timbral possibilities of both individual instruments and the orchestra. The figure of an outstanding Ukrainian composer of nowadays, O. Yakovchuk, is characterized by the versatility of his creative talent and represents new dimensions of the development of Ukrainian musical art in a strong connection with Ukrainian and world musical traditions.
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