culture, communication, cultural determinism, cultural transmission, cultural connection, cultural exchange, cultural interactionAbstract
The processes of globalization and localization, cultural divergence and convergence depend on the type and nature of communication. Communication can combine or separate cultures, reveal the possibilities of a certain culture or limit it, create new cultural accents or restore the past, etc. Communication is historically inseparable from culture. In today's post-economic and post-material social life, it not only plays an important role, but also creates completely new cultural worlds and cultural practices. The goal of this work: To identify the nature of the connection between culture and communication and to investigate the characteristic features of their mutual influence. The methodology. We rely on the principle of cultural determinism in its modern interpretation. In contrast to traditional deterministic views, modern cultural determinism is based on the idea of multidimensionality, multilevel culture, the phenomena of which are in dynamic interaction and interdependence. We also use structural-functional analysis. It allows to analyze and highlight the main components of the studied cultural phenomena and processes and to understand their role and place in culture. Scientific novelty of the work lies in the discovery of the deterministic nature of connections and interactions between culture and communication. Conclusions. The research shows that communication is one of the key phenomena of culture and influences its formation and development. Culture arises, expands and reproduces through the processes of broadcasting, ensuring cultural connection, exchange and interaction. In turn, culture affects all aspects of communication. Cultural values, beliefs, norms and traditions shape the ways and types of interaction between individuals and groups. We believe that the relationship between culture and communication is mutually determining and we will develop this view in our further research.
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