cultural space, definition, methodological traditions, cultural approaches, theoretical conceptsAbstract
The purpose of the article is to reveal the essence of the concept of "cultural space" based on the analysis of the concepts of "culture" and "space", the analysis of its interpretation in domestic and foreign scientific literature, as well as clarification of methodological approaches to its research. The research methodology combines the method of interpretation and operationalization of concepts (to reveal the content essence of the concept of "cultural space"), the method of terminological analysis, the method of theoretical analysis of scientific literature on the research topic, etc. The outline of the most common definitions of the concept of "cultural space" in cultural works and the analysis of methodological approaches to its research determine the scientific novelty. Conclusions. In modern cultural literature, there is no single generally accepted definition of the concept of "cultural space", and the most common are positions as: a historically, territorially and demographically conditioned complex cultural, social, psychological, philosophical combination of values, ideas, objects, things, traditions, attitudes, ethical , aesthetic norms, socio-political views in a certain cultural situation, manifested at a specific time within a specific area; the space of human creative activity, which provides a dialogue of different cultures based on symbolic speech communication and gives birth to new values and meanings, forms a multiplicity of cultural texts and acts as a unity of cultures of one or another area; integrated model, a set of complementary cultural practices and mechanisms of their functioning; system integrity of several levels: environment, society, communication and intelligence; conditional area in which the creative activity of a person is formed and realized. The characteristic properties of the cultural space are: the presence of a clear structure, dynamics, heterogeneity, universality, fundamentality, virtuality, etc. The study revealed that in the modern scientific dimension there are several theoretical concepts of cultural space: anthropological, abstract and literary and artistic (according to O. Hrytsenko); the main methodological approaches to its research are: functional, actionist, anthropological, dialectical, noospheric, cybernetic, relational, synergistic, informational.
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