Ukrainian choral art, musical pedagogy, innovative creativity, Ukrainian singing, choir, conductorAbstract
The article is dedicated to honoring the memory of the outstanding Ukrainian musician and teacher Anatoliy Avdievskyi and determining his role in the life of Ukrainian choral art and music pedagogy. The problem of the innovative work of the artist is considered from the standpoint of his conducting and choirmaster, scientific, teaching and educational activities. The purpose of the work is to summarize the conducting and pedagogical experience of Anatoliy Avdievskyi as an innovative artist, talented musician and teacher. The research methodology is based on a review of scientific literature devoted to Ukrainian choral art, a retrospective analysis of the work of an outstanding conductor-pedagogue, practical experience of performance-pedagogical cooperation authors of this article with A. Avdievskyi. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the understanding of the innovative work of Anatoliy Avdievskyi choirmaster and scientific-pedagogical activities. In particular, we are talking about the establishment of such components of choral sonority as: intonation-line, ensemble, meter-rhythm, diction-articulation and nuance, intonation purity; introduction of new technologies and teaching methods: holding master classes in choral conducting, activation of career orientation events within the faculties of arts of various higher education institutions of Ukraine, involvement of students in independent performing activities, participation in competitions, Olympiads and art events. The basis of the concept of A. Avdievskyi's scientific school is the folk song as an important means of shaping the aesthetic and ethnic outlook of future teachers. Anatoliy Avdiyevskyi's author's arrangements of folk songs are standard educational material for the conducting practice of future art teachers. Anatoliy Avdievskyi's choirmaster activity served as an example for many conductors of folk ensembles of Ukraine and teachers of artistic disciplines.
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