musical culture, musical and theatrical art, phenomenon of childhood, children's opera, children's musical theater.Abstract
The article is devoted to an overview of children's themes, the phenomenon of childhood in the historical and cultural space and its implementation in the musical, theatrical, and artistic spheres of the nineteenth century. The aspects of the emergence of interest in the topic of childhood in the general cultural context, in the musical arts (in particular, in the musical and theatrical) are considered. Information about the stages of development and the main forms of representation of the theme of childhood in the German and Ukrainian culture of the nineteenth century is summarized. The purpose of the study is to summarize information on the emergence of the theme of childhood in the musical art of the Romantic era, the peculiarities of the development of the phenomenon of childhood in the context of national culture. The methodological basis for this study was the following approaches: interdisciplinary, which makes it possible to attract concepts from other fields of knowledge (pedagogy, psychology, philosophy, cultural studies); historical and cultural studies – consideration of a particular phenomenon in the process of historical development; theoretical generalization – for the results of the study. The scientific novelty of the study is that the phenomenon of childhood is analyzed from the standpoint of national cultures in which this topic, its semantic dominants, determined the emergence and development of a special type of musical and theatrical art – children's opera. Conclusions. The research article highlights that it was the Romantic era that first introduced the cult of the child and the cult of childhood into art (in particular, musical art), and the emergence of children's themes and images in the musical culture of the nineteenth century contributed to the development of new means of musical language, principles of form, and the renewal of the genre palette – children's piano cycles and vocal miniatures, children's opera, ballet, musical and theatrical performances, etc. Appeared.
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