



choral music, choral art, choral genres, vocal works, choral techniques, work of composers, historical periods.


The relevance of the research is determined by the fact that vocal and choral music is an important part of the world’s cultural heritage. Studying its roots allows us to understand how musical traditions were formed and developed over the centuries. Knowledge of the historical origins of music contributes to the formation of national identity, helping modern society to better understand itself through the prism of cultural development. The goal of the work. To study and understand the historical periods of the formation of vocal and choral music, focusing on important points and characteristic features of its progress over time. Research methodology. The methodological approach to this study is based on the integration of various scientific methods, which reflects the latest approaches in the study of art. This complex includes the following methods: historical-genetic, which allows highlighting the features of stable and changing elements of the choral cycle throughout its history; evolutionary, aimed at systematizing the creative stages of modern Ukrainian composers; genre-stylistic, which analyzes the peculiarities of genres and styles in the choral music of modern Ukrainian artists; comparative, which allows a comparative analysis of genre patterns of the choral cycle and individual creative features of composers and performers. Scientific novelty. The study presents a deep and comprehensive analysis of the stages of the development of vocal and choral music, revealing the specifics of each period and determining the key moments of its formation. Attention is focused on how external circumstances influenced the evolution of vocal and choral music, in particular, in the context of national self-awareness and cultural changes. The analysis of stylistic and genre features of vocal and choral music in different periods of its existence made it possible to determine the main trends of its development and key moments in the history of the genre. The study expands the theoretical basis of musicology, bringing new data and interpretations to the study of the history of vocal and choral music. In general, the study enriches the understanding of the historical origins and stages of development of vocal and choral music, offering new perspectives and approaches to its study. Conclusions. Analyzing historical trends allows us to trace how musical forms, genres, and styles have changed, which can provide valuable guidance for contemporary composers and performers. Future directions of research include a theoretical analysis of the cyclical structure in world choral art from the standpoint of the history of its development, research into the stylistic diversity of choral composition, as well as an analysis of choral cyclical works by modern composers.


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How to Cite

МАЗЕПА, Т., & ГАВРИЛЕНКО, Ю. (2024). HISTORICAL ORIGINS OF THE FORMATION OF VOCAL CHOIR MUSIC. Fine Art and Culture Studies, (1), 54–63. https://doi.org/10.32782/facs-2024-1-7