


culture, media, mass culture, media space, mediatization, digital communications, information society.


The article touches upon the problems of scientific reception of such a phenomenon as media culture, and considers the concept of mass culture as a cultural universal. The thesis of the mediatization of mass culture in the information space is consistently developed. Theoretical studies in the field of mass culture are analyzed, the concepts of «low» and «high» in culture are differentiated; the trends of diffusion in the present conditions are outlined. The complexity and contradictory nature of the phenomenon of media culture, blurred definitions of the concept, mechanisms of its correlation with other forms of culture are considered, which prompts us to look for new approaches and clarify existing ones in an effort to develop a common definition. It is noted that the current stage of media development is characterized by a combination of communication and information intentions: Mass media and mass communication media (new media, blogs, social networks). The author emphasizes the positive aspects of the development of mass culture. The author outlines the need for further study of the concepts of mass culture and media in their interconnections and interdependence. The purpose of the article is to analyze the concept of media culture as a universal in modern manifestations and phenomena. Research methodology. The purpose of our research led to the use of a set of theoretical and empirical methods. In particular, we used the method of system analysis, structural and functional method, comparative and historical, synergistic and semiotic approaches. The scientific novelty lies in the comprehensive cultural study of media culture as a phenomenon and the interaction and mutual influence of media culture and the information society; its most important feature is the transnational nature and interaction of different cultures. The conclusions of the study summarize the main theoretical provisions, in particular: the media have always determined the dominant trends in the public perception of socially significant issues and served as a factor in the construction of reality, the formation of attitudes towards certain problems, so today we can confidently say that the role of media in society is rapidly increasing; media culture functions as a specific type of culture of the modern information society and performs an intermediary function between the state, public authorities and society, in the minds of users.


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How to Cite

BAIDA І. (2024). MEDIA CULTURE AS A PHENOMENON OF THE INFORMATION SOCIETY. Fine Art and Culture Studies, (1), 151–156.

