war, culture, cultural weapons, folk-stage dance, Ukrainian identity, Ukrainian culture, choreographic art.Abstract
The purpose of the paper is a definition of the Ukrainian folk stage dance as a cultural weapon during the ongoing russian-Ukrainian war. The research methodology involves the use of a complex approach to the study and coverage of its topic, a combination of a number of general cultural methods and cultural and fine arts approaches. A systematic approach and analytical method were used to analyze the situation that developed in culture during the war. The descriptive method made it possible to reveal the activities of choreographic collectives in the conditions of war, both in Ukraine and abroad. The culturological approach made it possible to introduce the use of the folk stage tank as a cultural weapon of the russian- Ukrainian war within the framework of the worldwide socio-cultural trend towards weaponization and also the element of ethnic nationalism as the most important component of the consolidation of Ukrainians. The scientific novelty of the research consists in revealing and understanding the cultural and artistic processes in Ukrainian choreographic art using the example of a folk-stage tank in today's military realities. Conclusions. The results of the study showed that in the conditions of a full-scale invasion, the Ukrainian folk dance became a means of self-identification and a relay of the national Ukrainian identity, ensuring at the same time the unity of Ukrainians within the country to resist the enemy and external international support for this resistance. It, along with other types of art, performs psychotherapeutic functions, as well as charitable functions of supporting the Armed Forces of Ukraine, cultural and art institutions. The folk stage dance is a very significant element of the promotion of Ukrainian ethnic nationalism, which, however, successfully coexists with civic nationalism.
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