Kira Muratova, author's cinema, author's style, cinematic creativity.Abstract
The article is devoted to the study of the peculiarities of the author's style in the film works of Kira Muratova, as the most prominent representative of the national and world author's cinema. The relevance of the topic under study is related to the growing interest in the study of the author's style and the comprehension of Kira Muratova's film work in this regard. The methodological basis of the study was the cultural approach, which determined the generalised focus of the study of author's cinema as a cultural phenomenon. The biographical method made it possible to personify the creative achievements of Kira Muratova and provided an opportunity to highlight the main stages of the formation of her authorial style. The used methods of systematisation and generalisation allowed us to identify the main features and specific features of Kira Muratova's authorial style. The scientific novelty is that the author's style of Kira Muratova as a subject of special study is presented for the first time. The paper analyses the biographical aspects of Kira Muratova's film work. The main milestones of her work are highlighted, the films created in a certain period are analysed, and the evolution of her authorial style is presented. The research made it possible to identify specific features and unique techniques that form the basis of Kira Muratova's authorial style, namely non-standard editing solutions, unique documentation, the use of refrain elements, the originality of speech (sonority, voice, monologues, communication between characters, dialects), the specificity of the visual solution (based on brightness, collage and entertainment), as well as existential motifs and and predominance of female themes. It is concluded that all stylistic features should be considered in conjunction with each other, only in their unity do they form the unique authorial style of Kira Muratova. The materials presented here will enable further development of the topic, contribute to the expansion of the arsenal of knowledge about Kira Muratova's creative heritage and may open up new perspectives for the development of author's cinema in general.
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