


folk instruments, orchestra, southern region of Ukraine, Mykolaiv, musical culture


The development of musical culture in the southern region of Ukraine took place in accordance with the general tendencies that were available in other parts of the national cultural space. However, there were a number of differences due to the specificity of the development of artistic practice. Consider these positions in more detail. Some of the most ancient finds of musical instruments belong to the northern shores of the Black Sea, where there were remnants of ancient civilization. However, the well-known and information about the instruments of the seaside region, which was associated with the tribes of the Scythians and Sarmatia’s, is mainly percussion instruments. So, at an early stage, the instrumental art of the south developed under the influence of the tendencies that were laid in the Greek colonies. In folk music during the next times it was used a lot of different instruments, but most of the music was given to vocal-choral and ensemble singing. The first collectives included folk instruments begin to emerge in aristocratic and landed estates. An entertaining role played horn orchestras. The time for the existence of such orchestras falls in the second half of the XVIII century. Their musical repertoire included elements of folk music, as well as applied music. Orchestras of folk music and mixed orchestras that could contain folk instruments were used in different regions of Ukraine. If we are talking about a later stage in the development of instrumental folk performances, then innovations that arise in the XIX century are extremely important. At this time, the conditions for the formation of an extensive musical culture, which is being started thanks to the activity of the RMC in the territory of Ukraine, begin to take place - the establishment of professional music education at institutions of different levels - schools, colleges, conservatories. A considerable role was played by the “Prosvita”.


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How to Cite

КОЛЬЦ, І. (2021). FOLK INSTRUMENTAL ART OF THE SOUTH OF UKRAINE. Fine Art and Culture Studies, (1), 24–28.