Fedir Yakymenko, stylistic features, composer's style, music education.Abstract
The article examines the main directions of the creative activity of the outstanding Ukrainian composer, pianist, conductor and teacher of the first half of the twentieth century, Fedir Stepanovych Yakymenko. The purpose of the article is to identify the main creative activity directions and musical stylistic features of the outstanding composer. Research methodology. Covering the peculiarities of the artist's creative heritage requires the use of the biographical method, methods of analysis, synthesis, theoretical and musicological methods, etc. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the comprehension of F. Yakymenko's work through the prism of his compositional searches and pedagogical activity. The article provides information about the life of F. Yakymenko in different periods, including the years of emigration to Prague and later to France. The role of F. Yakymenko in organizing the musical education of Ukrainians in Prague is revealed. In Prague, he became the head of the musical and pedagogical department of the Ukrainian Higher Pedagogical Institute named after M. Drahomanov. He brought together prominent Ukrainian musicians who combined performing skills with a thorough musicological scientific training. He was the author of the first textbook on harmony in Ukrainian, "Practical Course of Harmony Science", published in Prague. The article provides information about the composer's musical works. Conclusions. The stylistic features of F. Yakymenko's musical works are characterized as a synthesis of several artistic trends that existed in European music at the turn of the century such as neo-romanticism, impressionism, and symbolism. The Prague period is characterized by the appeal to neoclassical and neo-folkloric musical tendencies, and the widespread use of Ukrainian folk songs. In the later period of the composer’s work, elements of romanticism are combined with the stylistics of French impressionist music. F. Yakymenko made a significant contribution to the national music education development. His activities as a dean and professor of the Music and Pedagogical Department, a talented piano teacher and composer who created a diverse and numerous piano and vocal repertoire are a bright page in the history of Ukrainian music pedagogy.
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