art, Ukrainian art, ethno-cultural space, ethnic identity, national consciousness.Abstract
The purpose of the article is to analyze Ukrainian art of the early 20th century as a factor in the formation of ethnocultural space. The research methodology is based on the basic provisions of general scientific methods of analysis, synthesis, and generalization. The cultural approach makes it possible to interpret art as a cultural phenomenon. The axiological approach is based on the understanding of art as a cultural phenomenon with a value status. Scientific novelty. For the first time, it is shown that Ukrainian art of the early 20th century was an important factor in the formation and preservation of ethnic identity, influenced the formation of national consciousness, and contributed to the formation of the ethno-cultural space of Ukraine. Conclusions. Ethno-cultural space as a manifestation of the unique cultural heritage of a people, including language, art, traditions, customs, religion, education, science, etc. helps people understand their origins, identity, history, and values. The ethno-cultural space ensures the development of common values that unite members of the national community, promotes the formation of national consciousness, historical memory, patriotism, and national pride. The beginning of the 20th century was a period of significant socio-political changes in Ukraine, which had a significant impact on the development of culture. Under these circumstances, art played a special ethno-formative role and contributed to the formation of Ukraine's ethno-cultural space. It is shown that art is a significant factor in the formation and preservation of ethnic identity, has a significant impact on the formation of national consciousness, as it accumulates national values, ideals, ideas about the historical past and thus contributes to the establishment of cultural identity. Ukrainian art of the early 20th century is an important achievement of national culture; it contributed to the revival and consolidation of Ukrainian culture, significantly influenced the formation of national consciousness and identity, and shaped the Ukrainian ethno-cultural space.
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