Petrykivka painting, masters of Petrykivka painting, artists of Petrykivka painting, Ukrainian diaspora, art, Kateryna Kryvolap, creativity abroad.Abstract
The article examines the work of Kateryna Kryvolap, who lives in Canada and specializes in Petrykiv painting. The article examines her art technique, style, main plots of her works, describes her activities in the context of the Ukrainian diaspora. The purpose of the article is to analyze the work of Kateryna Kryvolap in the context of Ukrainian decorative painting, which she is engaged in while living in the Ukrainian diaspora, in Canada. Research methodology. The purpose of our research determined the application of a complex of theoretical and empirical methods. In particular, the method of system analysis, structural-functional method, historical, interview, deduction and induction methods were involved. The scientific novelty consists in a comprehensive study of the work of the artist Kateryna Kryvolap in the context of the Ukrainian art of the diaspora. The conclusions of the study summarize the analysis of the artist's work. In particular, among the favorite subjects in the work of Kateryna Kryvolap, you can see the images of roses, mallows, fairytale flowers, stylized trees of life, birds, firebirds and roosters, etc., traditional for Petrykivka painting. The article states that the artist's favorite colors in her work are yellow-hot shades traditional for petri dishes: red, yellow and orange, as well as a combination of blue-blue-violet shades, pink-violet, beige-brown, red-black and green-brown. The artist likes to experiment with color and forms, so in her work she turns to atypical subjects for the main plots of Petrykivka painting, adapting it to the context of the Atlantic sea environment and the tropical color of the Philippines, which hospitably received the newly recreated works by the artist in their galleries. Kateryna Kryvolap became one of the first Ukrainian artists who transferred Petrykivka painting from ceramics and decorative plastic to the canvas and thus made it available for exhibition in many famous galleries of the world, in particular, her exhibitions were held in the Grand Manan gallery in Canada, in the Bottega galleries in Italy d'Arte Merlino and Merlino Firenze, at the International Contemporary Art Fair in Portugal, the Carrousel du Louvre in Paris, France, Manhattan in the US, the Artienda Gallery in the Philippines, the CICA Museum in Korea, and the Alberta Council of Ukrainian art in Edmonton, Canada. It is noted about the importance of researching artists of the diaspora, in particular Kateryna Kryvolap, because speaking about Ukrainian art and its recognition in the world, we draw the attention of the world society to Ukraine and to the events taking place in it.
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Федір Панко. Декоративний розпис : альбом / упорядник і авт. вст. ст. Н. О. Глухенька. Київ : Мистецтво, 1978. 77 с.
Бутник-Сіверский Б. Українське народне мистецтво. Живопис. Київ : Мистецтво, 1967. 222 с.
Марфа Тимченко : Альбом / упорядник і авт. вст. ст. Б. Бутник-Сіверський. Київ : Мистецтво, 1974. 97 с.
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sponukaty-amerykantsiv-pidtrymuvaty-ukrainu (дата звернення: 22.04.2024).