musical art, accordion art, accordion, genre, style, musical language, composerAbstract
In the modern musical environment accordion has become one of the main centers of artistic attention around the world. Artists from many regions and continents actively create in the field of accordion-accordion art, significantly updating and modernizing the genre-style panorama of accordion-accordion music. One of the key objects of the composer's attention in the realm of accordion art is the concert genre, which was significantly updated around the world at the turn of the 20th – beginning of the 21st centuries. Thus, the accordion concerto genre occupies an important place in the works of Italian composers, and can boast of a considerable number of compositions written in this genre form. Among the modern composers of Italy, it is worth highlighting the famous composer and conductor Enrico Blatti, and his “Zenith” Concerto for accordion and orchestra as a vivid example of the implementation of pop style into the concert genre. The aim of the work is to highlight the compositional and linguistic and stylistic features of Enrico Blatti's “Zenith” concert in the context of the features of the development of the pop-jazz direction in the genre of accordion concerto with orchestra in the world music environment. Methodology. The study is based on a complex of historical, theoretical and cultural approaches and methods necessary to reveal the specifics of pop stylistics in the genre of concerto for accordion with orchestra on the example of Concerto for accordion with orchestra “Zenith” by E. Blatti, namely: genre – for a comprehensive understanding of the specifics and the existence of the accordion concert genre in the world music environment; stylistic and stylistic methods, aimed at highlighting the attributive features of the pop-jazz direction, particularly pop stylistics. The peculiarities of the development of the accordion concerto genre in the Italian accordion-accordion environment of the late 20th – early 21st centuries were revealed using a historical approach, in particular historical-biographical and historical-chronological methods. In the process of analysing the work, structural-functional and semantic methods were used, which contributed to the full disclosure of the composer's concept of the work. The scientific novelty consists in an attempt to reveal the existence of pop stylistics in the genre of concerto for accordion with orchestra using the example of Enrico Blatti's “Zenith” Concerto. Conclusions: The results of the research allow us to state that E. Blatti's “Zenith” Concert traces the main features of pop style, one of the main features of the genre of accordion concerto with orchestra in the work of modern composers, which is represented in a complex of compositional and linguistic and stylistic components.
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