Anna Korsun, modern music, accordion music, trembling, vibrato, soundAbstract
The article is devoted to accordion creativity of the Ukrainian-German composer of the younger generation Anny Korsun. The extremely wide range of possibilities of the modern accordion increasingly attracts the attentions of experimental composers. Expressive means and artistic imagery in works “Hauchdunn” and “Eigengray” for accordion are considered in the article. Therefore, is determines the relevance in the study and justification of the features of accordion music by A. Korsun in musicologial and performing aspects. The aim of the article is to identify and reveal creative intentions in accordion music by Anna Korsun. Methodology is based on the historical-biographical method – in the course of reseoching the composers life and creative path; source scientist – while working with professional and analytical method – in the process of analyzing musical works. The scientific novelty is the fact that for the first time in Ukrainian musicology the accordion creativing by A. Korsun is considered. In particular, the composers attention to each specific sound is described with the help of the finest dynamic gradations, nev means of sound production are defined, as well as going beyond the limits of instrumental possibility by involving the performans voice. Conclusions. In the music of the first quartet of the 20th century, the innovative achievements of the most prominent composers of the 20th century are continued. In the article partially reviews the creative pass of A. Korsun some scientific information about her work. Some Korsun’s composer finds in the context of Ukrainian music, namely the combination of several performing techniques within the limits one sound, combination of several microdynamic waves on the sound, unevenness and synchrony of certain technological means of playing with two hands are also highlighted.
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