vocal and instrumental ensemble, variety art, typology, concepts, Ukraine, twentieth centuryAbstract
The purpose of the study is to establish a typology of Ukrainian variety vocal and instrumental ensembles of the twentieth century and to clarify the concept of «vocal and instrumental variety ensemble». The research methodology is based on an interdisciplinary and comprehensive approaches. The first one is was used in the analysis of the conceptual and categorical apparatus of the research, history and historiography of the problem. This made it possible to form a deeper and more versatile view of the essence of vocal and instrumental ensembles based on a number of art historical and cultural sources; to propose the author’s own clarification of the concept of «vocal and instrumental variety ensemble» as a form of amateur and professional pop music, characterized by the use of singers’ voices, musical instruments (electric), sound-amplifying equipment and represented by different types (jazz, pop and rock) and their modifications (folk, punk, etc.); to explicate the specified knowledge in the scientific field of musical variety studies. A comprehensive approach allowed us to analyze the socio-cultural and artistic contexts of these processes, as well as the various factors that shaped the development of Ukrainian variety vocal and instrumental ensembles during the twentieth century. The scientific novelty consists in the establishment of the typology of Ukrainian variety vocal and instrumental ensembles of the twentieth century and the author’s clarification of the concept of «vocal-instrumental variety ensemble». Conclusions. The twentieth century saw the formation of a powerful Ukrainian variety art represented by vocalinstrumental ensembles, characterized by changes in creative directions and stylistic trends. The typology of Ukrainian variety vocal-instrumental ensembles of the twentieth century was formed by groups that based their creativity on jazz, various forms of pop and rock music, as well as on the synthesis of these musical trends with folklore samples of Ukraine. On this basis, show business and popular pop music of the new century developed in independent Ukraine at the end of the twentieth – the beginning of the twenty-first century. The prospects of the research are seen in an in-depth study of Western influences on Ukrainian variety music.
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