


Alexander Tcherepnin, musical art, musicology, creative personality, composer’s creativity, artistic biography, musical analysis


The article is devoted to the definition of the problematic discourse associated with the figure of an outstanding composer, pianist, music theorist and cultural doer of the 20th century Alexander Tcherepnin. The relevance of the work is determined by the scale of the artistic figure of A. Tcherepnin, the importance of musicological understanding of his life work, compositional and music-theoretical heritage, and the lack of systematic historiographical research in this problematic area. The purpose of the research is to determine the historiography of studies of Alexander Tcherepnin’s creativity and artistic heritage in the world musical discourse. Research methods are historical, historiographical, systematic and typological. The scientific novelty consists in the creation of the first systematic historiography in Ukrainian musicology of world research in the field of the Tcherepnin Studies as a separate direction of modern musicology. In the work, for the first time in Ukrainian science, a typology of musicological publications devoted to the creative figure, artistic activity, and compositional heritage of A. Tcherepnin is proposed. The state of study of this problem in the world scientific discourse is characterized. The main types of works are defined: 1) biographies and memoirs; 2) musical and theoretical explorations of an analytical nature; 3) information and reference materials; 4) interviews and publications in the periodical press. The conclusions emphasize that the creative personality and artistic heritage of Alexander Tcherepnin increasingly attract the attention of musicologists in Europe, Asia (primarily China) and the USA. It is noted that the modern world musical discourse related to the creative figure of A. Tcherepnin has been constantly growing over the past decades. Prospects for further research are related to little-studied genre areas of the composer’s work, in particular, with his opera and ballet works.


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