computer technology, Volodymyr Hoshovskyi, folk song, Yuriy Yasynovskyi, sacred monody, linguistics, Lubachivskyi irmologionAbstract
The study examines the achievements of Ukrainian musicologists in the field of folk song and medieval monody with the use of computer technologies, as well as the development of a further strategy for analytical research. The purpose of the article is to comprehend the computer projects of Volodymyr Hoshovskyi and Yuriy Yasinovskyi from the perspective of further development of the scientific apparatus and the use of digital technologies in interdisciplinary research. The research methodology is based on the use of general scientific methods: analytical, chronological, generalizing, source study, and interdisciplinary. The scientific novelty is that for the first time the developments in the study of folk song and medieval monody are summarized from the perspective of forming a further interdisciplinary research project. Conclusions. The potential of computer technologies is evidenced by the gradual development of Ukrainian musicology, which gradually adapts innovative methods for the study of folk music and medieval monody. The experience of Volodymyr Hoshovskyi and Yuriy Yasynovskyi allows us to rethink the tasks set and build new ways for further development of the scientific apparatus in the application of digital technologies to interdisciplinary research. Understanding the essence of folk song and medieval monody repertoire as systems reflected in the integral musical and poetic structure of the text determines the need for an interdisciplinary perspective in the process of determining a research approach to both phenomena. The launching of a project to study the Lubachiv hymnal of 1674 on this basis emphasizes the relevance of the tasks formulated by Volodymyr Hoshovskyi and Yuriy Yasynovskyi. Only a step-by-step scientific work aimed at the structural analysis of the melody and text of the Ukrainian sacred monody will allow us to establish the regularities of the musical and poetic thinking of the Ukrainian sacred monody. It is likely that this experience will also contribute to the study of folk songs.
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