



spragistics, insignia of power, princely signs, bulla, numismatics


The work highlights the meaning of coins, medals, seals, and other numismatic and sphragistic objects, which play a key role in the reconstruction of the historical context and confirmation of archival findings. It examines how Ukrainian historians use these artifacts to restore historical truth, especially in the context of the period of Kievan Rus and the times of the Cossacks. It also emphasizes the latest research that makes significant additions to historical science, expanding the horizons of understanding historical events through artifacts found in Ukraine and their analysis. The purpose of the work is to carry out an analysis of the latest scientific research devoted to the topic of research on the presentation of Kievan Rus’ princes on numismatic and sphragistic monuments. The research methodology consists in the application of comparative, empirical and theoretical methods. Scientific novelty – the author examines information about historians and their works, who made a significant contribution to the study of the presentation of Kyiv princes and the attributes of power that were minted on princely coins and seals. Conclusions. Having analyzed the degree of research into the problem of the presentation of Russian princes on spragistic and numismatic monuments, it can be seen that the topic has attracted the close attention of scientists and does not lose its relevance, since new monuments are constantly found, or researchers pay attention to new facts and make significant additions to observations of their predecessors. The article shows how princes used these artifacts to emphasize their power, identity, and dynastic connections. Particular attention is paid to the ways in which contemporary Ukrainian historians interpret these images, paying attention to iconography, symbolism, and context of use. The work uses comparative and iconographic methods of analysis, which allows to highlight the changes in the presentation of princely power over time and the reflection of these changes in modern scientific works. The article contributes to the understanding of how historical narratives are reproduced and reinterpreted on the basis of archaeological and numismatic data.


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How to Cite

ARTYUKHIN О. (2024). PORTRAIT IMAGES OF RUSSIAN PRINCES ON SFRAGISTIC AN NUMISMATIC SOURCES: HISTORIOGRAPHY OF THE ISSUE. Fine Art and Culture Studies, (3), 151–156. https://doi.org/10.32782/facs-2024-3-21

