B. Grinchenko, Ukrainian literature, book, graphic artist, illustration, publishing houseAbstract
Borys Grinchenko is a Ukrainian writer, teacher, literary critic, ethnographer, historian, publicist, who advocated the spread of the Ukrainian language in schools. As the author of many literary works for children, throughout his life he defended the right to teach children in their native language, repeatedly emphasized the implementation of the principles of visual design of children’s books, took care of their good design. The stories and fairy tales written by B. Grinchenko more than a century ago still attract attention not only for their interesting plot, understanding of the vulnerability of children’s souls, but also for their unique style, the trusting tone of the writer’s communication with the capricious. audience of young readers. The purpose of the article is an art study of the illustration of the literary heritage of B. Grinchenko by modern Ukrainian artists for the direct perception of the unity of the text of the book with a vivid pictorial reproduction of literary heroes for the full disclosure of the work. the plot of a literary work. Research methodology consists in the application of general scientific methods (analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, unity of historical and logical); art history methods (comparative, typological, descriptive) and the method of practical design. The scientific novelty of the work consists in the study of the peculiarities of the school of illustration of B. Hrinchenko’s literary works by modern Ukrainian illustrators as an example of the leading artistic-figurative and compositional-architectural level of publications for children. Yes, interest in the work of Borys Grinchenko does not fade even today. Honoring the memory of an outstanding figure of Ukrainian culture, domestic artists continue the glorious traditions of Ukrainian book graphics. Integrity, brightness and expressiveness of all elements of artistic design, perfect polygraphic execution of these editions found a convincing embodiment in B. Grinchenko’s thoughts-appeals to his contemporaries regarding the problems of the formation of national children’s literature, in particular, the need to meet the high requirements of artistic design. requirements for the content of publications and the appearance of publications for children. Perhaps Borys Grinchenko dreamed of such an artistic design of children’s publications.
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