Venice Biennale, Ukrainian Pavilion, national pavilions, curator, commissar, contemporary fine artAbstract
The purpose of the article. The article aims to analyze the artistic and organizational aspects of the exhibition project of the national pavilion of Ukraine at the Venice Biennale-2024. Methodology is based on an activity approach for the analysis of the exhibition project of the national pavilion as a process and result of the activities of artists, curators, commissars. To achieve the goal, the methods of description, analysis, synthesis, chronological method were used, as well as the method of generalization was used to sum up the results of the research. Scientific novelty. For the first time, an analysis of the procedures for selecting the curator of a national project for the Venice Biennale was carried out using the example of the Ukrainian pavilion presented in Venice in 2024, and problems in the process of implementing the exhibition project were identified, which could negatively affect the perception of modern Ukrainian fine art and curatorial practices in the international arena. Conclusions. As a result of the analysis of the artistic and organizational aspects of the exhibition project of the national pavilion of Ukraine at the Venice Biennale-2024, a number of problems were identified that have signs of systemic problems and could lead to the disruption of the Ukrainian presence at the Venice Biennale, which would deprive Ukraine of the opportunity to convey its voice to the influential international art community. The study revealed the following problems: the presence of inaccuracies in the document regulating the selection procedure of the curator of the Ukrainian Pavilion; insufficient transparency of the formation of the competition commission for the selection of the curator; inconsistency between the timing of the announcement of the next theme of the Venice Biennale and the curator selection procedure; the illogicality of starting the process of financing the Ukrainian pavilion from the state budget at the final stage of its implementation; insufficient communication on the part of the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy with the curators of the winning project at key stages of its implementation.
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