



ceramic sculpture, pottery, craft, art, technology


The purpose of the article is to trace the main stages of transformation of the forms and characteristics of ceramic sculpture from pottery to modern art. The research methodology is based on an interdisciplinary combination of scientific approaches from art history, cultural studies, and history. General scientific methods of synthesis, analysis, comparison, generalization, etc. are also applied. Scientific novelty consists in identifying the main factors and stages of transformation of ceramic sculpture from pottery to a type of modern art. Conclusions. Clay, as a material, and ceramics, as a technique of hardening it by firing, are a form of production as old as the history of mankind. However, ceramics began to be perceived as art only in the 20th century. Before that, ceramic art, although it existed alongside other arts, in particular such as sculpture and painting, unlike them, focused on rationally necessary functional features. Therefore, pottery was mentioned only as pottery, craft and industrial production. And only when the creative ideas and concepts of the era of modernism and postmodernism of the 20th century took over the materials and manual production, which previously focused on such features as the craftsmanship and functionality of the products, did the art of ceramic sculpture reach a new level of positioning. The art of ceramic sculpture has become an integral part of cultural heritage that has evolved throughout history and will continue to represent the creativity and freedom of expression of artists. At the same time, thanks to the conveniences created by technology, the artistic experience of both creators and viewers will constantly improve. The connection between ceramic art and technology continues to grow, especially with recent advances in 3D printing technology, which gives artists more creative freedom and allows for more complex shapes and details in ceramic sculptures.


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How to Cite

PLOKHA О. (2024). CERAMIC SCULPTURE: FROM UTILITY TO ARTISTIC IMAGERY. Fine Art and Culture Studies, (3), 200–205. https://doi.org/10.32782/facs-2024-3-27

