folk dance, Prykarpattia, dance groups, folk dance, choreographyAbstract
The purpose of the work is to study the current state and identify the main trends in the development of choreographic art in Prykarpattia. The historical context that influenced the formation of folk dance was considered, and key trends were analyzed, such as traditional Ukrainian folk dances, samples of the Ukrainian dance of Prykarpattia, as well as the role of festivals and competitions. Special attention is paid to the integration of traditions and modernity. The article emphasizes the importance of preserving cultural heritage and introducing innovations for the further development of choreographic art in Prykarpattia. The article defines trends in the development of folklore dance and proves the importance of customs and rites for the development of Prykarpattia dances. The main trends in the development of dance art as a component of the study of Ukrainian dance as a whole, as well as the peculiarities of the formation of choreographic traditions, are determined. The historical and ethnographic factors that influenced the formation of the choreographic culture of Prykarpattia were identified. The methodology is based on several key approaches: research approach, empirical analysis, comparative approach, system analysis. The scientific novelty consists in a comprehensive analysis of the current state and trends in the development of choreographic art in Prykarpattia. Research is focused on the unique features and traditions of the Carpathian region, which allows us to identify specific aspects of the development of choreographic art in this region. The main trends in the development of choreographic art in Prykarpattia include the integration of traditional and modern elements, active participation in cross-cultural projects, new uses of technology in productions, as well as support of young talents through educational programs and competitions. In general, the article demonstrates that the choreographic art in Prykarpattia not only preserves its historical roots, but also dynamically develops, adapting to modern requirements and trends. The authors conclude that the active work of dance groups, choreographers and educational institutions contributes to the enrichment of the cultural life of the region and increases its prestige at the national and international levels. As a result, Prykarpattia remains the center of choreographic art, combining deep traditions with an innovative approach.
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