work of Yana Shliabanska, modern Ukrainian music, sound art, performative art, musical and theatrical performances, the younger generation of composers.Abstract
The article explores the compositional work of Yana Shliabanska, a prominent figure among the younger generation of Ukrainian composers. The analysis of her creative output is situated within the broader context of contemporary Ukrainian performative art. The aim of this work is to understand the artistic strategies employed by the composer in the framework of current socio-cultural processes in Ukraine. The research methodology encompasses a range of approaches from historical musicology, including comparative studies, musicological analysis, interdisciplinary methods, and theoretical generalization. The scientific novelty of the work lies in the first comprehensive analysis of Yana Shliabanska`s impact on Ukrainian performative art and the introduction of significant aspects of her creative life into scholarly discourse. Conclusions. The study reveals that Yana Shliabanska`s compositional activity holds a significant position within the realm of Ukrainian performative art. Her creative strategies, which include an integrative approach to blending music and sound with various art forms (such as dance, film, installations, etc.), innovative sound techniques, and the use of intertextual dialogues – including reinterpretations of global musical heritage – contribute to the emergence of new forms of artistic expression. It is demonstrated that the unique artistic practices she has developed not only reflect her personal aesthetic and philosophical ideals but also align with the prevailing socio-cultural trends in contemporary Ukrainian music and theater. The scope of her activities and her creative collaborations with members of the Ukrainian theater community are also defined. Furthermore, it is shown that Yana Shliabanska, as a representative of the younger generation of composers, actively promotes the Kyiv school of composers on the international cultural scene, thereby serving as an ambassador of Ukrainian musical culture worldwide.
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