the process of cultural formation, the phenomenon of identity, othering, national belonging, state formation.Abstract
In the current social situation, where the principles of social equality have collapsed, the phenomenon of identity, associated with the affirmation of the essential features of ethnicity, nation, people, and statehood, acquires new meaning. Alongside it, the phenomenon of othering, characterized by misunderstanding, non-recognition, and non-acceptance of the other, also becomes significant. These phenomena require comprehensive analysis from the perspective of their «adoption», existence, and dissemination within the sociocultural realities of Ukrainian society. The purpose of the Paper. The aim of this work is to characterize the cultural, national, and state-building processes in modern Ukraine, taking into account the historical context: the violation of Ukrainians' rights and freedoms, the destruction of worldview models, the annexation of territories, and the appropriation of national ancestral heritage. Methodology. The methodological basis is the cultural-historical analysis of cultural creation processes in modern Ukraine, its integration into the European space as an equal partner. Scientific Novelty. The scientific novelty lies in revealing the essence of the phenomena of othering and identity, as well as modern trends in the development of national culture. Conclusions. This study focuses on the phenomenon of social justice, equality of rights and freedoms in the dimension of culture -creating, nation-building and state formation processes that take place in current time. Attention is paid to the need for permanent rethinking of phenomena that concern the socio-cultural space with further clarification of their semantic essence. The content of the phenomena of othering and identity is revealed from the point of view of their influence on the processes of contemporary cultural creation in Ukraine. The author emphasizes that symbolic othering and disdain of other characteristics, attribution of signs of inferiority and hostility to the people, nation, and cultural values contribute to the formation of hateful ideas, prerequisites for violent struggle. The article draws attention to such important factors that allow measuring the signs of discrimination as a result of political, economic and cultural aggression and which are always clearly presented in the history, religion, culture of any nation, state, ethnic group and have a systemic significance as well as nature. Such definitions make it possible to outline the main risks and threats facing Ukrainian society in the conditions of military aggression. The conclusion that follows from the above proves that the escalation of violence in the 21st century should be considered as a general threat to humanity, leading to wars and genocide. The essence of the processes of cultural creation in modern Ukraine is its integration into the European space, as well as its recognition in the world as an equal partner. The state sovereignty of Ukraine, its ethnic identity, national identity and cultural subjectivity are today at a historical turning point, protecting the value orientations of the future Ukrainian people. Optimistic prospects for Ukrainians are to achieve parity in the geopolitical dialogue, to become an equal partner, to return the lost history of the Ukrainian people and to mark a new page in the affirmation of national consciousness. It is necessary to strengthen the idea of protection, preservation and enrichment of the national heritage in Ukrainian society, to understand the key phenomena in political, economic and cultural life. The task of further scientific research is to present the cultural heritage of Ukrainians, to reveal its perspectives, which will make it possible to defend the subjectivity of Ukraine.
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