intermediality, intertextuality, media, cultural studies, digitalization, multimodal cultural spaces.Abstract
The purpose of the article is to reveal the essence of the concept of «intermediality» and to analyze the use of this definition in modern foreign scientific research. Methodology. An analytical, systematic and typological method was applied to study the phenomenon of «intermediality» and its understanding as a unique phenomenon of the digital society; a method of terminological analysis, interpretation and operationalization of concepts to understand and understand the meaning of the concept of «intermediality»; generalization method. Scientific novelty. The definition of the concept of «intermediality» is considered and presented in a general way in the scientific works of modern foreign researchers, the essential features, typology and problems of intermediality in accordance with the direction of scientific research are revealed; the expediency of using the theory of intermediality for the study of artistic products and practices presented in the modern entertainment culture of Ukraine was ascertained. Conclusions. Intermediality is a phenomenon with global influence and the ability to create new forms of artistic and critical innovation that can find ways to spread them, unite cultural communities and be used as a vehicle for innovative cultural practices. Extrapolation of the definitions of the concept of «intermediality» presented in the modern scientific dimension to the problems of the spectacle culture of the first decades of the 21st century. allows you to consider it as a specific type of structural relationships in the products and practices of spectacular culture, which is based on the interaction of the vocabulary of different types of art in the system of a single artistic and aesthetic whole; the presence in a cultural product or practice of such figurative structures containing information about various types of art. The theory of intermediality, which considers various aspects of the interaction of arts, the problems of the artistic text within the text, the interaction of different lexical systems, etc., from a cultural standpoint, opens up significant prospects for the study of artistic products and practices presented in the modern entertainment culture of Ukraine.
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