art and cultural aspects of Vinnytsia city, art and cultural establishments, creative teams, creative tour activity, repertoire.Abstract
The article has defined the trends and peculiarities of art and cultural aspects in Vinnytsia city during the period of 1950s‑1960s. Purpose of Research is to reveal the main trends of art and cultural aspects of Vinnytsia city during the period of 1950s‑1960s. The Research Methodology has included on the following approaches: systemic approach has dealt with the entire system of Vinnytsia art and cultural aspects as well as different separate artistic and cultural establishments. Structural functional approach has analyzed the activity of different cultural establishments and has determined their influence to the entire cultural life of the city. Cultural method has shown the interconnections between the regional social political activities and the artistic processes. Conclusion. It is possible to highlight the following main trends of art and culture in Vinnytsia city during the historical period of 1950s‑1960s: reactivation of Vinnytsia artistic and cultural establishments due to public demands of entertainment as well as cultural education. Expansion of repertoire, professional improvement and skill growth of outstanding actors, singers, musicians and creative teams. Efforts of creative teams to preserve Ukrainian traditional and national identity in their creativity. Outstanding educational activity of musical creative teams as the basis for art musical popularization among the people of Vinnytsia region. The huge creative tour activity of different artistic and cultural establishments during that period. The research has revealed the facts and regularities for the further study of art and cultural aspects in Vinnytisa city during the next periods and create the entire panorama of Ukrainian national culture and its regional peculiarities.
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