the contemporary Ukrainian composer Yevheniya Marchuk, Sophia Maidanska, contemporary Ukrainian music, vocal music, sonnet, the method of calculating of average sonority of the stanza, the phonetical italics, the literary criticist Sergiy Borysovych BuragoAbstract
In the article various aspects of musical and literary expressive means’ interaction are considered in the context of the complicated problem of verbal and musical components’ correlation in the vocal-instrumental music, which is illuminated in modern art history discourse with different and often contraversive points of view. The contemporary Ukrainian composer Yevheniya Marchuk’s romance «I Am Dressed in the Breath of Passersby» (lyrics – Sophia Maidanska) serves here as an analytical material of the research. The objective of the article is revealing of the specificities of musical and poetical sonorics in the chamber vocal piece specified. Methodology. In the due course of the research, the method of calculating of the dynamics of the stanza’s average level of sonority, developed by Ukrainian literary scholar S. B. Burago, is implemented together with traditional methods of musical expressive means’ analysis. This method allows to outline (or visualize) a relative «melodical line» of the piece of poetry; in the further perspective it may be compared with the correspondent melody, created by the composer. Also, the method of phonetical italics, used by N. Havrilyuk, is exploited in the research. According to this method, the stanzas with approximately equal number of vowels and consonants are the most expressive in the poetic work. In the process of analysis, the comparative method is used as well. It is implemented with the purpose of comparing of the defined level of sonority of Sophia Maidanska’s sonnet and phonetical italics, present in it, with the correspondent expressive means in the music. Scientific novelty. The method of calculating of the dynamics of the level of the stanza’s sonority and the method of defining of the phonetical italics, used by N. Havrilyuk in her literary research, – these two literary methods are used for the first time in Ukrainian musicology in the context of musicological analysis of a chamber vocal work. Conclusions. The analysis performed made it possible to conclude that the literary and the musical components of Y. Marchuk and S. Maidanska’s romance are being in harmonic interaction. Together they successfully create bright and full-fledged artistic image.
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