folk painting, artistic image, genres of fine art, symbolism, plot compositionAbstract
The article shows the genres that reflect the essence of the image of the Cossack Mamai, supplement it with meanings and content, make the image ethnic-folkloric and monumental-expressive. The components of the composition “Cossack Mamai” and their symbolic meaning are considered. It is shown how important it is when creating any image to select such elements that work for its disclosure and are read by the viewers not only consciously, but also subconsciously. Artistic images combine symbolic signs that belong to humanity in general and are found in all genres and types of art. The purpose of the article is to reveal the synthesis of fine art genres in creating a holistic artistic image of “Cossack Mamai”. Methodology. Iconographic and iconological analysis of the artwork is used. Scientific novelty. The methodology of creating an artistic image in a plot composition was analysed, the historical aspect of the chosen topic was studied. Conclusions. The image of the Cossack Mamai in folk art reflects important aspects of Ukrainian identity, faith in justice and freedom, as well as devotion to one’s ideals and the fight for them. Different artists portrayed this image in their own way, but there were common features in each work: this is a person sitting under a tree near a mound, behind a spear that is stuck in the ground, a war horse is tied to the spear. There are weapons near the tree: a sabre, a quiver with arrows, a bag with parchment and a hat that hints at the noble origin of the Cossack. At his feet is a still life with a jug, a glass, and a loaf of bread ‒ all these objects have a symbolic meaning. The pitcher contains the drink of immortality, the glass represents the fullness of being, the bread represents the wealth of the earth. The tree near which the Cossack Mamai is sitting is an oak, which symbolizes the World Tree, or the power of the family. The bandura in the hands of a Cossack is a symbol of culture and high intelligence. Through music, the Cossack communicates with God. The spear to which the horse, the “symbol of freedom”, is tied, represents the axis of the Universe.
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