



museum, promotion, digital technologies, cultural heritage preservation, museum pedagogy


The aim of this article is to analyze the role of modern digital technologies, particularly virtual reality, in museum promotion. Research methods, including content analysis, enabled the systematization of existing data, identification of key trends, and the fundamental principles of digital technology use in museum promotion. The comparative method provides an analysis of implemented VR projects in museums. The scientific novelty lies in addressing recent projects of the past few years. The article presents an analysis of museum activities during a period of rapid digital technology development. Key challenges for museums in the 2020s are discussed, such as the war in Ukraine, the loss of numerous historical and cultural heritage monuments, and isolation during the COVID-19 pandemic, all of which have compelled museums to revise their communication strategies and incorporate new promotional technologies. A significant portion of museums has begun integrating advanced digital technologies into their practices, with virtual reality (VR) emerging as a promising direction to restore and strengthen audience engagement, promote individual exhibitions and artworks, and disseminate information about war crimes within Ukraine. Conclusions: VR technologies enhance museum competitiveness, foster interest in their activities and collections, and considerably broaden their target audience. Thus, adopting advanced digital technologies is one of the effective methods for museum promotion. Today in Ukraine, digital technologies, particularly virtual reality, are actively implemented to preserve and promote historical and cultural heritage and to popularize art collections. Amid ongoing war, objects that define Ukrainian identity and form our cultural heritage are destroyed daily, and virtual reality provides a way to expand the target audience and spread information and knowledge. Modern museum practices are also undergoing significant changes, with the museum of the future evolving into a somewhat deconstructed version of its current self, becoming more creative, adaptive, and ready for change. The article examines the global experience of VR use in museums in the 21st century, presents examples of similar projects in Ukraine, and assesses their importance for the development of Ukrainian museology.


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How to Cite

ЛЕВКОВИЧ, Н. (2024). VR TECHNOLOGIES AS A TOOL FOR MUSEUM PROMOTION: NEW METHOD OF AUDIENCE ENGAGEMENT. Fine Art and Culture Studies, (5), 184–190. https://doi.org/10.32782/facs-2024-5-24

