choral music, ideology, concept, pattern, interpretation, ideological mechanisms, mass singingAbstract
The purpose of the article is to highlight the peculiarities of choral works written between 1930 and 1941, from the point of identifying ideological concepts, as well as the nature of dialogue with social and cultural realities of the time. One indirect objective is to cover cultural and ideological factors in order to enrich the general understanding of the reasons for the use of texts and images. The methodology is based on an interdisciplinary approach, which ensures the productive application of art, textual, cultural and statistical methods, taking into account intertextual factors and the psychology of creativity. To better understand ideological mechanisms, contextual analogy is used in specific works contextual analogy was applied, as well as a musical analysis of the cycle «Two choirs on the texts of Iv. Franco» written by B. Lyatoshinsky. The scientific novelty of the research consists in the identification in choral works (in particular in their names) of direct ideological conceptions, as well as stylistic techniques which give special meaning to individual parts of poetic texts. It proposes ways of determining hypothetically probable motivations for strengthening obvious or creating hidden concepts and symbols in composer's interpretations. The conclusions state that there are concepts in Ukrainian choral art of the 1930s and the first years of the next decade which were used in ideologically different conditions as the deep engines of social consciousness with a view to attracting audience to public interest trends. It is indicated that such intentions have been intensified in the case of the commemoration of the anniversaries of cultural figures. It is noted that the complexity and sequencing of such studies, which enrich general perceptions with significant nuances, understanding of patterns and the conditionality of individual cases, will show the important achievements of the chosen period and their significance for creativity in the following periods.
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