



hip-hop, Rap, music industry, KALUSH band, Rap music, music collaboration


The aim of the article is to analyze the development of youth hip-hop direction in Ukrainian contemporary music within the creative activity of the rap group «KALUSH» in retrospective aspect of musicology and performance. There are discussed the conditions of transformational trends of spreading and promoting quality rap culture. The author has revealed the importance of using authenticity and national folklore traditions in integration with electronic music in hip-hop youth direction in pop music of Ukraine, modern show business and mass culture. There are used the research methodology of comparative, historical-logical, analytical and art methods. Such methodological approach allows the author to clarify the features of Rap in art at the stage of formation and development of hip-hop culture, including youth subculture in the spread of transformational processes taking place in modern Ukrainian pop music and show business. The author is considered the influential factors of the group «KALUSH» on the development of rap music of the performing industry and use of ethnofolk motifs with electronic music in the integrated synergy between the band and the audience. Scientific novelty. For the first time, the main elements of the creative activity of the KALUSH group are revealed in accordance with the development and spread of transformational processes in modern pop art and show business. There is described the use of integration ethno-folklore origins, Ukrainian folklore motifs and electronic music in the development of the rap-cultural industry in show business as a synergetic genre of youth hip-hop. The author is noticed the significant contribution of the group in raising Ukrainian rap music to a higher level of youth subculture. Conclusions. The reflection of the realities and evolution of rap music in pop art is been in constant search of new faces who are able to update the direction of rap music. The popularization of national folklore features, the establishment of the performing rap group «KALUSH» on the territory of the modern Ukrainian pop industry in the conditions of fundamentalization, globalization and commercialization in the modern music market hasn't been studied well and it is at the stage of change and transformation.


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How to Cite

ЛЕНД’ЄЛ-СЯРКЕВИЧ, А., БУРМАН, К., & ЕКМАН, М. (2022). «KALUSH» IS A RAP GROUP AT THE STAGE OF DEVELOPMENT OF NATIONAL YOUTH HIP-HOP DIRECTION IN UKRAINIAN MODERN MUSIC. Fine Art and Culture Studies, (1), 126–134. https://doi.org/10.32782/facs-2022-1-18