ensemble technique, ensemble for two pianos, fantasy, paraphrase, V. TitarenkoAbstract
The creative work of Ukrainian composers is actively promoted not only by performers, but also by research-scientific circles. The subject matter of the publications covers various aspects of the study of this issue, however, everything falls within the circle of scientific discourse. A multitude of figures, their works and individual authorial methods, which also represent contemporary academic music, are left aside. Our attention was drawn to the creative heritage of Ukrainian composer, People's Artist of Ukraine, composer, teacher, editor-in-chief of Jazz magazine – Valery Titarenko (1940 – 2018).
Our attention is focused on V. Titarenko's piano ensembles such as "Paraphrase" on the theme of S. Sabadash's song «Song From the Valley», waltz-fantasy «Over the Dnipro», "Fantasia on the Themes of Ukrainian Folk Songs" and fantasy on the themes of Valery Titarenko’s songs «Song to Save», which demonstrate different compositional techniques of ensemble technique. The Ukrainian composer's piano music has not yet been introduced to the scientific community and needs research attention. Therefore, the relevance is conditioned by unexplored heritage of V. Titarenko, his creative method and lack of special works devoted to the composer's piano ensemble music. The aim of this article is to reveal particular qualities of Titarenko's ensemble music on the example of pieces for two pianos. The novelty lies in the analytical revealance of the principles of ensemble music for two pianos in the works by Titarenko. The methodology is based on functional, genre and analytical methods. The conclusion is made about the composer's use of different stylistic principles, namely combination of academic, jazz and folk art. Each of the parts stands out for its individuality, both in terms of melodic and rhythmical pattern, dominated by a homophonic and harmonic type of texture. The juxtaposition and contraposition of the metrhythmic units in the piano ensembles is a means of contrast in the development of the work's dramaturgy.
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