creative family, family relations, Vitaliy Gubarenko, Iryna Gubarenko, “Bereziltsi”, literary and poetic creativity.Abstract
The aim of the work is to study the creative relationships of talented and outstanding representatives of Ukrainian culture – members of the same family Cherkashin-Gubarenko: Roman Cherkashin, Julia Fomina, Marina Cherkashina-Gubarenko, Vitaly Gubarenko and Irina Gubarenko and identify the relationship between the individuality of each unity. Research methodology. To achieve this goal, a set of methods was used: biographical, psychological and comparative methods, which allows us to trace the common directions of creative activity, to reveal parallels between different generations within one family. The scientific novelty is to reveal the highly spiritual creative atmosphere of the Cherkashin-Hubarenko family, which helps to understand the essence of family communication as an important prerequisite for revealing the personality, in highlighting the biographical facts of famous Ukrainian cultural figures together as representatives of the Ukrainian musical and theatrical family. Conclusions. On the example of family values of the Cherkashin-Hubarenko family, such equivalent forms of creative self-expression as theatrical art, poetry, literature, and compositional creativity are traced. The integral family unity, the general desire for the development of Ukrainian culture and commitment to the theater are shown, the common interests between family members in certain spheres of creative activity are determined. Exploring the Cherkashin-Hubarenko family, where each family member is a unique individual, we can talk about an ideal model of human coexistence, in which everyone was able to show personal freedom in the creative pursuit of individual needs of self-expression, and at the same time became part of a holistic creative and spiritual unity.
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