musical environment, musical activity, investigation, method.Abstract
The article focuses on musical environment as an integral phenomenon, possible vectors and specifications of its investigation are determined. It is found out that musical environment covers all the components of the processes of sound music product creation, spreading and perception of this product, it is based on music activity. Formation of musical environment is conditioned by time-space factors and dynamics of social changes. At the macro-level musical environment is entire musical sound atmosphere of the Earth, at the micro-level it is a direct surrounding of the individual “here and now”. Performers influence musical environment directly. Peculiar “co-authors” in creation of actual musical environment are also listeners who not directly influence composing and performance activity by means of their preference. Environment is always regarded relative to the system which it surrounds (society of a certain historical period, the territory – town, region, country, educational institution, concert establishment, personality). It is emphasized that understanding of ways of functioning and regularities of musical environment organization as a heterogeneal, multipleaspect phenomenon presupposes interdisciplinary approach and can be carried out by means of a complex of general and specific methods of investigation, in particular, sociological, psychological, historical, culturological, specific musicological. While investigating musical environment, it is suggested to base on the theory of “social fact”, “common field”, to use such methods as: historical systemic, historical comparative, observation, polling (questionnaire), regional analysis and specific methods of musicological investigation – musical theoretical and performance analysis as well.
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