Frank Sinatra, style, artistic image, attraction, fascination, self-presentation technique.Abstract
The study aims to determine the style signs of Frank Sinatra’s (hereinafter – F. Sinatra) artistic image in the context of modern imageology. The topicality of the research. Despite the importance of the colossal scale of F. Sinatra’s artistic personality and the artist’s significant contribution to the development of musical art in the twentieth century, little attention has been paid to his creative work in Ukrainian musicology. The research methodology assumes a combination of general scientific and special musicological methods, in particular the method of stylistic analysis. This methodological approach allows us to determine the stylistic features of F. Sinatra’s artistic image in the context of modern imageology. The scientific novelty of the study is determined by the scientific reconstruction of F. Sinatra’s artistic image in the mirror of modern imageology that consists in clarifying, systematizing and revealing the content and style features of the singer’s artistic image. Conclusions. F. Sinatra’s artistic image is a powerful component of the artist’s overall image, which allowed him to become an “icon style” and a favorite of millions. From the standpoint of modern imageology, an integral part of artistic image building presupposes the effects of fascination and attraction. Fascination and attraction were the effects that F. Sinatra skillfully possessed, and became important prerequisites for the creation of his artistic image and a unique formula for artistic success. Priority value in providing the effective functioning of fascination and attraction is the level of mastery of a special “self-presentation technique” by the person whose image is created. F. Sinatra used this technique with exceptional skill, and his image was largely based on the ability to best “present themselves” to the public. An important factor in creating the artistic image of the singer was also the style of clothing, which, according to the artist, most vividly reflected his emotional state.
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