



G. Teleman, trumpet of the baroque period, concerto for trumpet, expressive possibilities of the trumpet, compositional idea, musical idea.


The article is devoted to the disclosure of the composer ’s idea and musical idea in the concerto for trumpet and orchestra in D major by George Philip Telemann. The unique figure of this co-composer, his diverse and multifaceted activities have left an imprint on his rich creative heritage. The main stages of development of the concert genre for trumpet in the music of the Baroque period are marked. According to the purpose of the work – to consider the features of artistic and technical interpretation of the concert genre in terms of methodological and pedagogical orientation – the work presents an analysis of the work, which reveals patterns of structuring, musical and dramatic development and means of musical expression in the concerto for trumpet by Georg Philip Telemann. For the first time in domestic musicology, the author turned to the concert for trumpet, the disclosure of the composer’s idea and musical idea of the composer. The research methodology is to use the source method (to study primary sources containing biographical information) and the analytical method (to consider the musical text of the concert). In this work, given the result of the analysis of the concert genre, the author reveals the features of the use of expressive and technical capabilities of the solo instrument. There is a deep sense of the nature of the instrument, a wide range of emotional states embodied in the musical material of the concert, a wide range of techniques. The concert belongs to this type of work, which is very convenient for solving specific methodological and pedagogical problems. The conclusions note the factors that influenced the popularity of the chosen concert, a number of patterns in the use of types of themes, harmonious thinking, structuring, the use of means of performance.


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How to Cite

ІВАНІЦЬКИЙ, О. (2022). G. TELEMANN CONCERTO FOR TRUMPET IN D MAJOR, DISCLOSURE OF THE COMPOSER’S IDEA AND HIS MUSICAL IDEA. Fine Art and Culture Studies, (3), 13–18. https://doi.org/10.32782/facs-2022-3-2