


Ukrainian partes compositions, heritage of M. Dyletskyj, works of I. Domaratskyj, meter-rhythmic relations, proportions, baroque tempo.


The main objective of the study. The interpretation of the Ukrainian baroque choral compositions contains a lot of difficulties for a performer. One of such problems is choosing a tempo. In baroque period, the tempo was an indistinctive measurement. But there was one precise factor – its relation to the meter changes, and mensural proportions. The purpose of this article was to present all meter-rhythmic relations during the change from duple to triple time in chosen partes works, and to describe the dependence of music tempo on these factors. Methodology. Analysis was conducted to find out all features that represent the change of meter in Ukrainian baroque choral compositions. The deduction was used to collect information about the meter-rhythmic proportions in ancient treatises and establish the reasons of their application. The comparison between treatises written by the western European and Ukrainian authors was carried out to reveal the similarities in their perception of the meter changes. And modelling was used to explain the cases when each of the described proportions might be applied. Scientific novelty. The article represents the first attempt to explain scientifically how to choose different tempo correlations in Ukrainian partes works. Conclusion. The analysed Liturgy of Mykola Dyletskyj contain only one example of meter change – from ₵ to 3/1 time. So, it is possible to apply two tempo correlations: proportion tripla, or relation based on even rhythmic motives. In the compositions written by Ivan Domaratskyj we can use four different tempo correlations: two proportions, tripla and sesquialtera, may be applied to the fragments in 3/1 and 3/2 time, the relation similar to the modern meter-rhythmic norms, and the correlation, described in the Ukrainian treatise Proportion (when main beat of any triple time are equal to the crochet note of the duple time). Because of the variety of tempo correlations, the informed decision of a conductor based on his/her knowledge and practical experience plays the crucial role in choosing the right tempo for performance of the baroque composition.


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