



Sonata for solo violin, works by Eugene Ysaye, six sonatas for solo violin op. 27, violinist Jacques Thibaud, portrait of the performer, dedication, interpretation.


The paper touches upon the issue of the Second sonata from the cycle (op. 27) of the Belgian composer Eugene Ysaye. This work is devoted to one of the well-known violinist-virtuoso of the first half of the twentieth century – Jacques Thibaud. The genre of dedication is predetermined by reference to biographic information of the French violinist Jacques Thibaud, the characteristics of his manners of playing are presented. However, there are several varieties of dedication, depending on the time of their appearance: after completing the piece of work, during its writing, or before starting working on it. It is the last variety is used in the Second sonata Ysaye. In this piece of work, dedication is also a kind of hidden diary basis, although Sonata itself does not belong to the diary of the piece of work. The aim of this paper is to identify the relationship between the dedication and E. Ysaye’s chosen compositional methods of reproducing the portrait of the performer on the example of the Second sonata from the cycle (op. 27). Methodology includes analytical, interpretative and comparative methods. Also, the study relies on a genre-style analysis. The scientific novelty lies in comprehension of the connection between the dedication of Eugene Ysaye’s Second Sonata to violinist Jacques Thibaud and the form of the piece of work chosen by the composer, the quotation used (Dies Irae, Partita in E Major by J.S. Bach), its main themes, means of expression, and elements of texture. Conclusions. The considered features of the structure of the Second sonata focus on the close relationship of initiation with the musical text, which allows researchers and performers to interpret this piece of work from another foreshortening. The basis for this is a comprehension of the performing style of the first half of the twentieth century, playing styles and techniques characteristic of Jacques Thibaud. It is the approach that will give an opportunity for a more conscious and deep disclosure of Eugene Ysaye’s conception in a variety of interpretations.


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How to Cite

КОЛЯДА, Н. (2022). PORTRAIT OF THE PERFORMER JAQUES THIBAUD IN THE SECOND SONATA FOR SOLO VIOLIN BY EUGENE YSAYE OP. 27. Fine Art and Culture Studies, (3), 47–55. https://doi.org/10.32782/facs-2022-3-6